For those that know me, you will have seen that I have a fondness for visiting Spain. Especially when the weather is not so great in England. For me, the best time to go somewhere warm is when you are somewhere cold. So summers in the UK are great and winters in the UK are lovely. But I like to break up the Winter with a little sunshine.
I have just come back from a 2 week stay and I got plenty of exercise, sunshine and rest. I also visited this great place which is called Nimagai which is run by Antonio and his Wife. In fact, the guy you can see smiling behind the counter is Antonio. While I was there I had a Sports Massage twice, plus I bought some fantastic Incence Sticks from India.
Sometimes when you visit a place, you just get a really good feeling when you go in and this is one of those places. They have a small studio for Yoga, a treatment room and a consultancy room along with so many great products I can't think where to begin.
If any of you do visit Spain for a holiday or you have a place there and you are in the area around Rojales which isn't that far from Torrevieja Alicante, then Nimagai is really worth a visit.
They have a Facebook Page as well https://www.facebook.com/nimagaicentrodebienestar/info/

Try the Paleo Bars that they sell on the counter if you fancy a snack or even give the Yoga a try. I'm looking forward to my next visit and I have made a pledge to try and learn more Spanish before my return.